Thursday, February 16, 2017

Welcome to Pair Of Dice Lost!

Well, it sure has been a while since I've written one of these.

Gosh almost five years ago now I ran another website/podcast network with some friends, and after a while it all kind of fell apart and I fell out of love with it all.  Recently, I've been thinking of getting back into posting again.

I'm not looking to make money, or to find fame, I more just want to share cool stuff that I play/read/create with strangers on the internet...and of course, find some personal fulfillment as well.

So - on to what the heck this thing is going to be.  The long answer is...I don't know yet.  However, here is my idea.  Initially I am going to post reviews of things that I'm reading and playing, just to get the ball rolling and get me back in the habit of posting again.  Eventually I would love for this to spawn off into a podcast or something, that's always fun to do. 

I can't really account for the rigidity of posting right now.  It could happen daily, could happen weekly, or just kind of be all over the place.  Eventually I would like to have daily posts and weekly podcasts though.

So...yeah...go team, post 1.  We'll see where this goes.  If you found this and this vague description of a blog/podcast sounds cool, stick around!  If not, well thanks for stopping by!

Image courtesy of Pinterest

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