Time to see if any of my theories were right!
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X-Men issue 11 ended with Cerebro beeping like wild as "the most powerful threat the X-Men will ever face" was discovered. Issue 12 carries over with that story, and we find the X-Men rushing into Professor X's office to see what all the commotion is about. While Xavier is happy to explain the issue to the rest of the team, Cyclops is more worried that the team has entered the room and found out about Cerebro when they weren't supposed to know. As we're found through previous issues, Cyclops has his own set of priorities...mostly just not pissing off Xavier.
Sometimes Cyclops majors in the minors.
As Professor X tells the team they are all in grave danger, he sends them out onto the grounds of the mansion to fortify it from intruders. So the team rushes out and gets to work. Iceman builds thick ice walls, Cyclops blasts a trench in the ground to which Beast and Marvel Girl lay wire down in. Cyclops also hollows out logs to which are thrust into the ground and grenades are tossed into.
With the mansion fortified, Professor X turns off Cerebro, and sits the team down to tell them about the terrifyingly unstoppable force which is headed straight for them. Kind of like those episodes of Family Guy where Peter tells a story to the family amidst robbers breaking into their house.
Professor X takes us back to the time of the atomic blast testing. His father died in the blast, and at his funeral, he talks about his father's partner, Dr.Marko, who is consoling Charles' mother. Charles detested the man as he could read his thoughts, and knew he was only after his family's money and power. Charles' mother however, wasn't wise enough to see through Dr. Marko. She married him, and by then it was too late.
Shortly after Dr. Marko and Charles Xavier's mother were married, Charles' new step-brother enters through the door of the mansion. He's a bully, and terrorizes Charles mercilessly. His name is Cain Marko, and at the time, he was powerless...and a complete dickbag.
Xavier stops many times through his story as the unseen force breaks through the barriers the team setup to protect the mansion one by one, but he manages to continue his story.
Charles overhears a conversation between Dr. Marko and Cain Marko about how Dr. Marko helped kill Charles' father. That's when Charles intervenes. A little roughhousing ensues, and several vials with explosive liquids dump over and mix setting Charles' mansion alight with fire.
There are several more pages about how Cain Marko was a bully to Charles, and how Charles' mother died, but it doesn't really get interesting until Charles and Cain go to Korea for the war. During the shelling, Charles sees Cain disappear into a cave to hide from the battle. Charles, not wanting his step-brother to get court marshalled, follows him into the cave to get him to come out.
That is when Charles sees Cain standing entranced in front of the statue of Cyttorak. Apparently the statue is very old and there are many warnings out about it (all of which Charles knew about). Cain channels his inner Apu from Aladdin, and picks up a ruby from the base of the statue of Cyttorak. There is an inscription on the ruby that read:
Whosoever touches this gem shall posses the power of the crimson bands of Cyttorak. Henceforth, you who read these words shall become...forevermore...a human Juggernaut.
So now it all comes together, Cain Marko, Charles Xavier's step-brother, is the unstoppable force known as The Juggernaut, that is charging toward the mansion right now.
Juggernaut starts to beat on the steel plated doors of the mansion, and the X-Men assemble to confront him. The Juggernaut however swipes them aside like they are nothing more than flies, and he approaches Xavier with the intent to kill him.
Well now...my theory was kind of right, but also entirely wrong. So let's do a quick breakdown of my theory to what actually happened.
So I proposed that Charles Xavier got his powers from an atomic blast that his parents were working on, and when he gained his powers he also lost his ability to walk. I also proposed that the radiation from the bomb imbedded itself into the DNA of the workers on the atomic bomb project, and we now have a generation of mutant offspring due to the radiation mutating the DNA of the children and since they have been born with this mutant DNA their powers come to light.
I'm wrong way more than I'm right...but here is where I am wrong:
- Xavier didn't lose his ability to walk from the atomic bomb blast. That happened by some still unknown altercation with the villain Lucifer.
- Xavier didn't receive his powers from an atomic bomb blast - he was born with them.
- Xavier also wasn't a research project for the government either - we see in this issue he lead a very regular (if not tormented) life with his step-brother Cain.
Here is where I am right:
- The radiation from the atomic bomb project DID give Charles Xavier his powers while he was in his mother's womb.
It was also interesting to see a little more human side to Charles in this issue. He isn't just some odd duck that sits stewing, cloistered up in his office as he waits for Cerebro to cry out to him...or at least he wasn't at one point in his life. Charles seemed to be fairly normal, even had a sibling to beat the crap out of him every once and a while.
Now Cain Marko is a bit of an extreme I feel. Hating Charles because he is so good at sports and school activities...but Cain, when we first meet him, brags about being expelled from school. So Cain has a lot of displaced hate, probably towards his father since Dr. Marko never really seemed to stop working - that now all got displaced on Charles.
Some wounds never heal either, so that hatred that Cain Marko had for Charles I'm sure is now magnified when he is the Juggernaut. However, we still don't really have a solid understanding just yet as to why Juggernaut is coming after Charles in this issues. Oh well, I guess next issue will answer all those questions!
Till next issue!
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